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Zhengzhou International【走近郑州历史名人】诗王白居易

郑州之窗2020-10-09 09:40:43

Located in the middle of heaven and earth, Zhengzhou is nurtured by the Yellow river. Since ancient times, herds of influential statesmen, thinkers, scientists and writers borned here. They either worked for the government or wrote books, highlighting their times with their insights, creations and ideas.


Take copper as a mirror, one can be dressed; take people as a mirror,one can judge gains and losses. Maybe we will have new gains when we get close to these famous people in Zhengzhou's history again.

以铜为鉴,可以正衣冠; 以人为鉴,可以明得失。当我们再次走近郑州历史上的这些名人,或许会有新的收获。

Two years after the death of Du Fu, Bai Juyi, a fellow Villager in Zhengzhou and one of the "three great poets" of the Tang Dynasty, was born in Xinzheng in 772 to a small bureaucratic family.


Unlike Du Fu, who witnessed the transition from prosperity to decline in the Tang Dynasty, Bai Juyi lived in the turmoil of war for several years in his youth in the mid-Tang Dynasty. It is recorded that Bai Juyi was brilliant and studied so hard that his mouth gave birth to sores and his hands became calluses. When he was young, his hair was completely white.


In bai Juyi's "career", he has the highlight moment that been appreciated by the emperor ,also has the lonely time that been degraded, but what closely accompanied by his side is always poetry.


When he was happy, his poems actively reflected the sufferings of people's livelihood and made up for the current political situation. When he was frustrated, he was away from the central government and companied by wine, and write easy-known poetry to express his heart.


Bai Juyi not only spent a lot of time in writing poetry, but also put more "great" thoughts into the theory of poetry, and put forward the famous argument of "root sentiment, Miao language, Hua Sheng, and real meaning".Emotion is the foundation of poetry, speech and voice is the expression form of poetry, righteousness is the social effect of poetry -- frankly speaking, poetry creation can not be divorced from reality, it must be derived from life, based on various events in real life, reflecting the social appearance of an era.


In the heyday of the Tang Dynasty, poetry was to a large extent a kind of entertainment like pop music, but by this time, poetry was no longer an optional "pastime", but a necessary "mirror" to reflect the society and face the reality.


It is worth mentioning that Compared with other poets, Bai Juyi had a profound influence on China's neighboring countries.


Sources show that while Bai was still alive, his poetry was sent to Japan by Tang envoys. In addition, in Korea and Korea, as well as the United States, Britain, Germany, the Soviet Union and other places, there have been early dissemination and research of Bai Juyi's works, in the words of critics: "Bai Juyi's poetry world is beyond his own era."





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