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What stands for Zhengzhou 丨来吧来吧,开启郑州美食密码

郑州之窗2020-11-17 13:32:33

Food Memory of Zhengzhou


Lasting for five thousand years with Chinese civilization, cooking culture also has a long history.Zhengzhou cuisine has an unspoken culinary code among Zhengzhou people.

中华文明上下五千年饮食文化也随着中华文明源远流长五千年, 郑州美食有着郑州人心照不宣的美食密码~

Zhengzhou noodles 郑州烩面


ohoto/Haoshiji      图/公众号好食记


Zhengzhouisa city of stewed noodles. For native citizens, a bowl of stewed noodles with cilantro and sugared garlic are best satisfaction for the stomach.


spicy soup 胡辣汤


There is an old saying in Zhengzhou,a bowl of spicy soup in the morning is better than to be a live immortal. A bowl of spicy soup in the morning is the right way to start the new day for Zhengzhou citizens.


Doumo 豆沫


Doumo is made mainly made of millet and soybean. Smoothness and aroma is the most outstanding feature of this dish. Some sesame seeds, peanuts, green vegetables and fried tofu will also bee added into doumo .With rich ingredients, a bowl of doumo could made people feel particularly satisfied in the morning.


Zhengzhou's food choices are not limited to the local, as it is named international Zhengzhou, you can taste the food from all over the world here.


Stay in Zhengzhou one can eat all dishes in the world, it is really a heaven for foodies.



source: Zhengzhou Release 来源:郑州发布

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What stands for Zhengzhou 丨来吧来吧,开启郑州美食密码

Lasting for five thousand years with Chinese civilization, cooking culture also has a long history.Zhengzhou cuisine has an unspoken culinary code among Zhengzhou people.