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The earliest astronomical building stargazing platform in Dengfeng

郑州之窗2022-05-30 15:32:15

Located 15 kilometers southeast of Dengfeng city, the Star Observatory was built by guo Shoujing, a famous astronomer in the Yuan Dynasty. It is the oldest existing astronomical observation building in China and also a famous astronomical observation building in the world. It is an important historical witness of Dengfeng Songshan Mountain as "the middle of heaven and earth".


Like the Zhougong Observatory, the Observatory is an expression of the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese people. On March 4, 1961, the Observatory was announced by The State Council as one of the first batch of national key cultural relics protection units. In 1999, stargazing Platform was identified as the patriotism education base of Henan Province.


On August 1, 2010, as the only scientific and technological building among the eight historic buildings in Dengfeng Tiandi, the Observatory was listed in the World Cultural Heritage list by UNESCO at the 34th World Heritage Conference.



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