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Zhengzhou University in the winter days

郑州之窗2021-12-29 20:44:56


It is a warm and sunny day in winter for Zhengzhou University, and I would like you to accept this warmth.




The campus was buzzing with light knocking from the balcony to wake the dormitories. Wooden Bridges creaked with footsteps and geese sang merrily under them.




Red bricks and plain tiles greet the arrival of students, rooftop corridor has been accompanied by warmth. Sunlight from the window climbed into the classroom,shining the platform and the teacher's shoulder.




Strolling in the sunny streets, ginkgo biloba gently fluttered in the branches. The light trickled down through the crotch and sprinkled the lawn with gold leaves. Facing the warm sun, open your arms, gently embrace the healing sun.




Meeting on the playground for jogging or classroom self-study, hard-working students listened to the tender interweaving of guitar and singing on the playground, smelling the thick ink of books on desks and nibs.




The world is filled with beauty, while the beauty of the campus is everywhere to be found. This sunny days in Zhengzhou, we would like to share with you!



文图来源: 郑州大学


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