Zhengzhou Specialty 郑州十大历史名产@新郑大枣
Xinzheng Jujube has a long history. Fossil of jujube pits unearthed at Peiligang Cultural Relics in Xinzheng prove that jujube cultivation has a history of more than 8,000 years.
Xinzheng Jujube, also named heart-shaped Jujube, which is a specialty of Xinzheng, Zhengzhou. There is a highly praise know as “ Lingbao apple, Tongguan pear, as well as Xinzheng Jujube, they are sweet like honey. ”
新郑大枣又名鸡心大枣、鸡心枣,是郑州市新郑的特产,素有 “灵宝苹果潼关梨,新郑大枣甜似蜜”的盛赞。
As it is sweet and warm-natured, it can invigorate the spleen replenish blood, and beautify the skin, while Xinzheng jujube is favored by people for its thin peel, thick flesh, small kernel and sweet taste.