Zhengzhou International丨庚子年黄帝文化和黄河文化网络论坛在郑成功举办
photo/ Ma Jian
In order to realize the further enhancement of ancestor worship ceremony in the hometown of Yellow Emperor,inherit and carry forward the culture of Yellow Emperor and the culture of Yellow River, in the year of Gengzi, the Online Forum of Yellow Emperor and Yellow River Culture is held on July,31 according to the arrangement.
The theme of this forum is "Yellow Emperor and Yellow River Culture".The forum was hosted by the Organizing Committee of the Worship Ceremony for Yellow Emperor's of Gengzi Year, and undertaken by Zhengzhou Yellow Emperor's Cultural Inheritance and Development Office, Xinzheng Yellow Emperor's Hometown Scenic Spot Management Committee, Zhengzhou Songshan Cultural Research Institute, Henan Xinzheng Yellow Emperor's Hometown Cultural Research Institute, and Zhongyuan Network.
The forum is divided into two stages: announcement of winning entries, award presentation and guest speech.
photo/ Ma Jian
As one of the main activities of the forum, at the end of March this year, the "Yellow Emperor Culture Network Forum" was published, netizens from all over the country submitted their contributions. After the steps of network reviewing, expert reviewing and so on, the organizing committee finally selected a total of 120 winning entries including Special Academic Award, Academic Merit Award and Commemorative Award; Literature Merit Award and Commemorative award.
It is reported that the forum will be broadcast on mobile network of CCTV News, Xinhua Live, Toutiao, TikTok, Kuaishou, Microblog, Zhengzhou Live Broadcast and provincial and municipal media platforms at the same time.
据悉,本届网络论坛在央视新闻移动网、新华社现场云、今日头条、抖音、快手、微博以及郑直播平台与省市级媒体平台同期播出。(郑报全媒体记者 董艳竹)