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Ancestor worship ceremony in the year of Renyin held in London

郑州之窗2022-03-30 16:03:44

With the theme of "same roots, same ancestors and same origin; peace, friendship,and harmony", the ceremony refered to the nine rituals in Xinzheng and combined with the actual situation in the UK, setting nine rituals as following, Offering Flower Baskets,Washing Hands and Offering Incense,Giving a Salute,Reading Worship Articles,Singing Odes,Song and Dance Performance,Blessing for China,Blessing for Harmony between Nature and Mankind etc,.


The series of cultural and creative products“Dream of Hometown” designed and produced by the ancestor worship ceremony this year with the Yellow Emperor culture as the common thread, together with many characteristic cultural and creative products from Henan Museum and Palace Museum are taken as a souvenir , which will be distributed to each guest attending the ceremony to make more overseas Chinese feel Chinese culture, understand and spread it through the tangible cultural products.


The success of the Yellow Emperor Worship Ceremony in Britain imbued with the wish for peace and harmony from overseas Chinese. At the same time, as the inheritance gene of the root culture, it has been passed down from generation to generation among overseas Chinese. It has become an important name card for overseas Chinese to spread Chinese culture and tell Chinese stories. It has also built a new platform for cultural exchanges between China and Britain aas well as mutual learning between eastern and western civilizations.

壬寅年英国华人华侨恭拜轩辕黄帝大典的成功举行,饱含了海外中华儿女崇宗敬祖,同心同德,祈愿世界和平和睦和谐的美好愿望。同时作为根亲文化的传承基因,不断地在海外华人华侨中代代相传,成为海外华人传播中华文化,讲好中国故事的重要名片,也为中英文化交流、东西方文明互鉴搭建了新的平台。(郑报全媒体记者 赵文静)

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