Zhengzhou history 郑州路名小知识你知道吗@书院街

As a historical street, Shuyuan Street in Zhengzhou is famous.Zhongtian Academy, the first institution of higher education in the central plains, was born here, thus the modern secondary education began here.

During the Ming dynasty, there were more than 1,600 academies in China. Zhongtian Academy was built in the Ming dynasty and was founded by Lu Shiren, the governor of Zhengzhou at that time.

2000年时的书院街风貌 图片/dahe.cn
However, Shuyuan street was formed as early in Yuan Dynasty, formerly known as Huayuanmen Street. During the Chongzhen period of Ming Danasty, it was renamed as Zhifang Street. After the reconstruction of the Tianzhong Academy in the Qing dynasty, it was named Shuyuan Street.
In 1966, it was renamed Hongguang Street East, and in 1978, it was renamed Shuyuan street.