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Zhengzhou history 郑州路名小知识你知道吗@代书胡同

郑州之窗2019-12-06 10:29:14

Daishu hutong is located near the intersection of West street and Guancheng street. The so-called Daishu, is that someone invited to write materials, letters, pleadings, couplets, or posts and something else on behalf of the person making the request to oral language into a standard and suitable written material.




Close to the well-placed position, here has became a place where some lawyers and scholars help others with documents or indictment. Ask them to write on behalf of you, you can pay an optional money, and sometimes, a kind-hearted people may tell you that it is free. Therefore, native people in Zhengzhou used to call this alley as the Daishu hutong




图片 孙岩岩



Walking in the alley, you will see the statue of Zheng Banqiao (a representative of the eight distinguished artists with special characteristics in Yangzhou)holding a fun. An more than 100 years old pagoda tree grows freely in a small way. If time is enough, one might as well accompany the old grandfather under the tree to play chess, and listen to their past stories.



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