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16°c Summer Trip in Zhengzhou

郑州之窗2022-07-06 15:04:21

Let’s start our summer trip and get out of the house to Fuxi Mountain Grand Canyon and Snowflake Karst Cave to feel the 15°C summer in Zhengzhou.


Zhengzhou Release


Grain in Ear, the harvest season in Zhengzhou

在芒种“麦”向丰收 郑州风吹麦浪 香飘中原

Foreigners celebrate Dragon Boat Festival in Zhengzhou

外国人在郑州过端午 祈平安 愿健康

Zhengzhou Vision


Zhengzhou University in the winter days


The wetland park hidden on the outskirts of Zhengzhou

这个湿地公园 藏在郑州周边