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Zhengzhou International 你为什么爱郑州?

郑州之窗2020-09-04 08:10:05

Many times I have asked myself, what is it that makes me fall in love with the city where I live and work?I have been searching for the answer but failed.





Until one day, through the camera frame, suddenly I found the green leaves set off by the blue sky and white clouds, the laughter at the corner of the old wall, the angler staying along thequiet river. I find the city is so amazing when I “fly” on the sky above the city.



When autumn comes to Zhengzhou,the weather is particularly sunny. Overlooking Zhengzhou in Zhongzhou Avenue and Longhai Road Overpass, the city in the dusk is changing to be more beautiful with the passage of time .



Maybe you will pay attention to the tall buildings in Zhengzhou, maybe all the roads in Zhengzhou, or maybe you will pay attention to the contrast between the old and new districts of Zhengzhou... and I prefer to pay attention to the small scenery in Zhengzhou, which is not so obviously.

或许你会关注郑州的高楼大厦,或许你也会关注郑州这座城市的条条大路,也或许你会关注郑州的新旧城区的对比......而我,更愿意关注郑州这座城市中 ,故意“躲”起来的小风景。




Overlooking the most easily ignored scenery from the air, with a small scene to record the little changes of Zhengzhou, my heart is full of great love for Zhengzhou.





Zhengdong New Area



Zhengzhou is an old city, but it is also a young city. While recording the changes and development of Zhengzhou, it also witnessed its progress with the Times, green development, ecological culture...





A residential area near Zhongzhou Avenue in eastern Zhengzhou.


Beneath a fast growing, modern, fast-paced city, there is always a place waiting for you to return at night.





Longhai Viaduct, evening rush hour



Against the sunset, the anxiety and irritability of traffic jam also seem to be abated.




A residential area in Jingkai District, Zhengzhou.



The gradual improvement of the urban construction system provides citizens with a more comfortable living environment.








Zhengzhou Zhongzhou Avenue and Longhai Road interchange.



Zhengzhou has convenient transportation. The "meter" shaped high-speed railway can take tourists to any city in the country. The construction of highways is also extremely developed.

郑州交通四通八达,“米”字 型高铁可把游客带往全国任何一座城市,公路的建设也是极为发达。




A neighborhood on 8th Street



I have been recording the development of Zhengzhou. People living in Zhengzhou should be able to see the development of Zhengzhou in recent years, especially the ecological environment and air quality have been greatly improved.




source text: 豫览影像 李新华 图/文

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