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Zhengzhou International 初冬,寻访郑州这座古桥

郑州之窗2020-11-25 10:05:41

In early winter, reporters visited Huizhi Bridge, looking for the remains of the Grand Canal in Sui and Tang Dynasties.




Huizhi Bridge is located in Huizhi Bridge village outside the North 4th Ring Road. The ruins of Huizhi Bridge now can be seen in the center of the village. Weeping willows surround the bridge, and two deep ruts on the bridge deck extend forward.




As a three holes arch bridge, Huiji Bridge is 5 meters wide and about 40 meters long.




At the beginning of liberation, both sides of the bridge were still standing in good condition, the three-hole arch bridge was obviously visible, and the ruts on the bridge deck were five or six centimeters deep and clear.




The current view of Huizhi Bridge is what it looked like after it was rebuilt on the original basis in 2013.




The river under The Huizhi Bridge belongs to the Grand Canal of Sui and Tang Dynasties, which is a section of channel that draws water from the Yellow River to The Tongji Canal.




Although the prosperity of those years now can not be seen any more , but the historical legacy has left us with unlimited reverie.


There is a bulletin board at the entrance to the Ruins of Huizhi Bridge with a plan for the development of the Grand Canal. One day it will be prosperous again.

惠济桥遗址入口处有个公告栏上,有对于大运河发展的规划介绍,总有一天这里会再现繁华。(记者 马健 文/图)

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