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Zhengzhou International 丨清明小长假,又见郑州繁华

郑州晚报2020-04-07 08:42:35

On the three-day holiday of Qingming Fesival, which is the first rest day after the lunch of first round consumption coupons, Zhengzhou saw city prosperity again driven by multiple factors such as holidays and coupon policies.


Lively scene can be seen in Erqi Square, Erqi Road, Dehua Street and other places. A lot of people and traffic bring flourishing business to Shopping malls, catering enterprises.


Ma Jian/ Photo 马健 图

Dennis David on Erqi Road 二七路大卫城

Intersection of Taikang Road and Erqi Road 二七路太康路口

Traffic flow in Erqi Square 二七广场车流

Dehua Street 德华街

A long line at a pastry shop 德华街一糕点店前排起长队

connecting corridor on Erqi Square 二七广场连廊

snack bars on Dehua Street 德华街小吃店

Erqi Square 二七广场

Erqi Square 二七广场


Erqi Square 二七广场

Zhengzhou Release


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Zhengzhou Vision


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