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Zhengzhou International 郑州,一路繁花,一路繁华

郑州之窗2020-04-28 09:05:55


overpass on the Hanghai Road 航海路立交桥

At the end of spring and the beginning of summer, spring flowers go away while early summer flowers bloom in succession all the way,which add to the appeal of this city.




overpass on the Hanghai Road 航海路立交桥

Rose and Chinese rose are the most gorgeous leading role in the early summer flowers.Roses climb the walls of the courtyard beside streets, and clusters of pink flowers exhaled a faint fragrance. Rose trees along the roadside is a major feature of Zhengzhou.The iris is the representative of the herbaceous flowers, the blue flowers like butterflies flying on the grass.The tree-like Chinese rose on the street is a major feature of Zhengzhou. Iris is the representative of herbal flowers, the blue flowers fluttered like butterflies on the grass. In addition, geranium are planted on the city roads by afforestation management office, carnation was planted along zhongzhou avenue,and petunia and horsetail are planted on Songshan Road.The city’s summer is full of flower in the summer.

初夏的花中,蔷薇和月季是最绚丽的主角,很多街道旁蔷薇爬满院落的围墙,粉色为主的花朵吐着淡淡的芳香,街边的树状月季是郑州的一大特色,一株株花树美丽异常,而鸢尾则是草本花卉的代表,蓝色的花儿像蝴蝶在草地飞舞。 除了这几个主角外,城市道路绿化管理处还在中原路种植了天竺葵、在中州大道沿线栽植石竹、嵩山路种植了矮牵牛、角堇等草花,让这个城市的夏天仍然处处鲜花。



Photo / Ma Jian



roses on Lian Xin Li Road 连心里蔷薇



roses on Bai Hua Li Road 百花里蔷薇



Qin Ling Road 秦岭路



Kang Ning Street 康宁街蔷薇



Xin Yi Road 心怡路蔷薇



Xin Yi Road 心怡路蔷薇


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