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Zhengzhou Energy 丨谢谢!“郑州颜色” 因你而特殊

郑州发布2020-03-06 08:54:36

March 5th is the the annual anniversary to learn from Lei Feng.Do you remember what is Lei Feng spirit? Dedication, selfless dedication, assiduous study etc.

A herd of people in Zhengzhou, no matter on an ordinary or extraordinary post, they dedicated themselves to constitute a special "Zhengzhou color".




疫情期间的城市守护者之小红象志愿者 廖谦 摄影


red color of volunteer


They may be your neighbors, friends, colleagues or acquaintances,and they are all ordinary people in Zhengzhou.

Assisting the community workers to check the information, gooing to work early in the morning to inquire about the investigation, sending food and medicine for the residents who are not convenient to go out ,volunteers do regardless of difficultities.


协助社区工作人员进行信息核对,一早走上工作岗位询问排查,为不方便出门的居民送菜送药事无巨细,不计辛苦…… …… 




疫情期间的城市守护者之小红象志愿者 廖谦 摄影

Their passion is like the burning fire,so the red color could represents them.

Thank you, city volunteers

他们的象征是红 他们的热情似火

感谢你们 城市志愿者


white color of doctor


Under the protective clothing,we do not see their real appearance, only their kind eyes giving us the image of angels



河南省首批支援武汉医疗队队员、病区护士长卢仁辉 李京儒 供图

They fought day and night without any hesitation; They rushing ahead regardless of life or death.



大年初一,郑州东站隔离处置室内,医务人员严阵以待。周甬 摄影 


疫情防控人员 郑报豫览影友 赵卫平 摄影

They fought day and night in the most dangerous positions and they formed a solid line of defense.

Thank you, brave doctors.


感谢你们 无畏的白衣战士


orange color of city cleaner


They were in every corner of the city, they are very familiar with every road in the city.



疫情期间的城市守护者 廖谦 摄影

Dustpan, broom, iron clip and dishcloth are their "weapons".



郑报豫览摄影师 徐宗福 摄影 


廖谦 摄影

silently guarding the health of the city,they are the most ordinary people.

Thank you,cleaners.


感谢你们 坚守的环卫工人


blue color of policeman


There is a kind loyalty from the original aspiration , and there is a kind of mission called guard.



大年初一,值守在连霍高速柳林下站口的民警和防疫人员 周甬 摄影


廖谦 摄影


正月初八 南三环中牟与郑州市区交口 周甬 摄影

In the face of the epidemic, the police do not retreat. because they are here, we are relieved.

Thank you , policemen.


疫情面前,警察不退,因为他们在 我们很安心

感谢你们 城市的定海神针


green color of building worker


Known as the Zhengzhou version of "xiaotangshan hospital", the complex building of qiboshan hospital was completed and delivered for operation on February 6



周甬 摄影

only days, the hospital was built.

it was the worker's pay out without regret making this "Chinese speed".





周甬 摄影

They try their best to fight against the time for patients' lives

Thank you, workers.

他们用尽全力克服困难 为生命抢时间

感谢你们 夜以继日的奋斗者


郑州红十字蓝天应急救援队 郑报豫览摄影师 冯亮 谭纪刚 摄影 


周甬 赵卫平 马健 徐宗福 摄影

There are many, many more people in this city who have devoted themselves to against the "epidemic"

Shouldering a mission, ignoring rewards,they are all descendants of Lei Feng spirit in the new era.

Thank you. It's good to have you in this city.

We feel warm and secure in this city



感谢你们 ,这城市有你们 真好

你们在这城市 我们很暖、很安心



作者:王海萍 韩娟 王超尘

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