Zhengzhou International 黄河流域博物馆联盟在郑成立
讲解员在讲解黄河故事 白韬 图
Yesterday, "Yellow River Museum Union & Yellow River Culture Conservation and Inheritance Seminar" was held in Zhengzhou. More than 100 curators from 40 plus museums in the Yellow River Basin gathered to witness the inauguration of the Yellow River Museum Union.The 45 museums in the 9 provinces and autonomous regions of the Yellow River basin will work together to tell the story of the Yellow River and jointly protect and promote the culture of the Yellow River.

黄河博物馆展出的文物 白韬 图
The Yellow River museum alliance was initiated by Henan Museum, and has united 45 museums of various levels and types in 9 provinces and regions of the Yellow River basin.
郑州黄河文化公园美景 马健 图
According to the rules, the union will organize and carry out activities, researches and other activities to interpret the material connotation, spiritual essence and times value of the Yellow River culture from different aspects and perspectives, and make great efforts to promote the protection, inheritance and promotion of the Yellow River culture.