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Zhengzhou Transportation 分分钟尝鲜泰国味 郑州至曼谷货运航线开通

郑州之窗2020-01-09 14:46:06

It will be more convenient for Zhengzhou residents to eat fresh Thai seafood and fruit. At 9 am on August 8, Tianjin Cargo Airlines (hereinafter referred to as "Tianhuhang") Flight HT3817 took off from Zhengzhou Airport for a cargo route from Zhengzhou to Bangkok. The flight type is Boeing b737-800f, which is scheduled to run 5 flights per week. The smooth flight also means Zhengzhou Bangkok Air Cargo Routes officially opened.


The Zhengzhou to Bangkok freight line of the Tianhuo Cargo Liner Route, export cross-border e-commerce goods, import Thai fresh cold chain goods such as live shrimp and fruit. This line not only meet the growing demand for international express, cross-border e-commerce and international mail exports, but also meet the consumer demand for imported Thai seafood products, enrich the port function of Zhengzhou Airport, and future perfect the cargo route network of Zhengzhou Airport, which is of great significance to promote the construction of Zhengzhou international air cargo hub.


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