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Dahe Village Ruins Museum: Explore “A Village under the Starry Sky” 6,000 Years Ago

郑州之窗2021-04-12 11:02:46


Let’s walk into the museums to feel the artistic conception that “I immerse myself in abundant history”, get to know the history of human civilization and the development history of art and learn how to “observe slowly” and “synthesize different feelings of various sensory organs”. With the Museum as a bridge, past is connected to present. In this way, we can not only focus on the present but also “take history as a mirror”. After elaborate preparation, Zhengzhou Evening News · Zhengdong New District Times especially launched “Map of Zhengdong New District-based Museums” column, aiming at evoking memories of the past while living in the present, looking forward, highlighting profound cultural deposits and uniting urban construction forces from all directions with culture and history as key points through exhibition of various professional museums in Zhengdong New District and their culture programs. You now have a chance to know history a millennium ago just by searching for relevant museums shown on the aforementioned Map. Let’s start a journey at Zhengdong New District-based museums with your family members and friends!



The principal part of well-known “Dahe Village Ruins” is not located at Dahe Village. Actually, it is located at Yanghuai Village, a village adjacent to Dahe Village. In 2012, reconstruction of Yanghuai Village would soon be conducted, and its village chronicle was being prepared. Li Changtao is the Founder of “Dahe Village Ruins”, has made great contributions to excavation and Museum establishment and acted as Curator originally. Therefore, Li Changtao was invited to write a preface for the aforementioned village chronicle. At that time, former Curator Li Changtao especially explained the aforementioned doubt, and the explanation is as follows: according to the convention of archaeology and relevant record that an ancient river passed here, especially since it faces the Yellow River, the “Mother River of Chinese nation”, on the north, it is named “Dahe Village Ruins Museum”.



Dahe Village Ruins is one of the important archaeological discoveries in 1970s, with a large area, accumulation of thick cultural layers, abundant connotation and long continuation time, being one of the best among thousands of ancient ruins along Yellow River Basin. There are ruins of large-scale ancient settlements representing Yangshao Culture, Longshan Culture, Erlitou Culture (in Xia Dynasty) and culture in Shang Dynasty, being one of the fifth batch of major historical and cultural sites protected at the national level. Dahe Village Ruins covers an area of 400,000 square meters and has gone through long-term development from prosperous period of matrilineal clan in primitive society to patrilineal clan period until slave society period in Xia and Shang Dynasties. Thus, it is the complete epitome of cultural development of Zhengdong New District in ancient times. (Journalist Ma Yan and Reporter Qian Yan of ZYNEWS.CN)

大河村遗址是我国20世纪70年代考古重要发现之一,面积大、文化层堆积厚、内涵丰富、延续时间长,是黄河流域数千处古遗址中的佼佼者。这里包含有仰韶、龙山、二里头(夏)和商代时期文化的大型古代聚落遗址,是第五批全国重点文物保护单位。大河村遗址面积40万平方米,经历了原始社会母系氏族繁荣阶段、父系氏族阶段,直至夏商时期奴隶社会阶段,是郑州地区远古文化发展的完整缩影。(中原网记者 马燕 通讯员 钱燕 )


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