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A bridge like an instrument in Zhengzhou

郑州之窗2021-12-28 16:26:43

A bridge carries the soul of a city, witnesses the historical development and change of a city, and connects the life memories of several generations. Which bridge do you like in Zhengzhou? Which bridge let you reluctant to part, let ’s visit zhengzhou full of infinite possibilities together.

一座桥承载着一座城的灵魂, 见证着一座城的历史发展和变迁, 通联着几代人生活回忆你喜欢郑州的哪座桥? 哪座桥又让你恋恋不舍,让我们共同去探访充满着无限可能的郑州。


At the Zhongmu Jalu River in Zhengzhou, there is a bridge like an instrument, affectionately called "Konghou Bridge(an ancient plucked stringed instrument)" by local people.The design of the bridge is derived from Phoenix-Headed Konghou , which is the testimony of the long history of Zhongmu culture.






The Jialu River, known as the Little Yellow River, is a river that has flowed for more than two thousand years.




the Jaru River in 1959



Jialu River originates near Shengshui Valley of Xinmi City, winding down from the southwest of Zhengzhou city, passing by Jiangang Reservoir, Xiliu Lake, and the north of Zhengzhou city, all the way to the east, and flows into Shaying River from Zhongmou County to Zhoukou City, with a total length of 256 kilometers.



Night view of Jialu River after ecological water system improvement



In September 2016, the jialu River comprehensive control project started. Zhengzhou city made the Jialu River into the "golden belt" of Zhengzhou through comprehensive renovation, making it a new city name card.



As the leading bridge of the Jialu River landscape, konghou Bridge is positioned as an ecological bridge, a portal bridge, and becomes a landmark building leading the image of Zhongmu city and promoting the taste of the city.



Name Card--Konghou Bridge



Scientific name: Renwen Road Crossing Jaru River Bridge



The bridge is 890 meters long and 55 meters wide with a total weight of 3,273 tons of steel box girders. The main tower of the bridge is a prestressed concrete component with a vertical height of 71.6 meters and a cantilevered length of 8.75 meters. The Angle between the tower and the ground is 60 degrees. The decorative tower is phoenix Konghou shaped with both landscape and weight functions, and a total of 18 cable stays are arranged on the bridge.



Characteristic: The bridge is a single tower with double cable plane and without back cable-stayed bridge. The form and height of the tower are rare at home and abroad.



Address: Direct navigation Renren Road Crossing Jaru River Bridge





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