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Winter sunset across Butterfly Lake

郑州之窗2021-12-28 17:11:03

photo/Ma Jian


In the evening of December 27, 2021, the beautiful sunset reflected on the butterfly Lake, which really a stunning picture.




photo/Ma Jian


Zhengzhou Butterfly Lake Forest Park is located in the west of binhe International New City. The park reaches south Fourth Ring Road in the north, airport Expressway in the south and 107th Auxiliary Road in the east. These three roads are enclosed into a triangular plot. Through the use of earth excavation and construction garbage during the construction of the new town, three continuous hills are built.



photo/Ma Jian


According to the mountain trend, the mountains and water are set off each other, and the trees are shady. The mountain and the lake is facing each other in space, forming a scene that leads the "butterfly" into the mountain.



photo/Ma Jian


In October 2020, Zhengzhou Diehu Forest Park was officially opened.







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