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Zhengzhou meets its first snow

郑州之窗2022-01-05 10:00:53

When night falls, with the snowflakes falling, the temperature is also plummeting, the snow is thicker and thicker as well as more and more beautiful. Zhengzhou has seen its first snow of 2022.



When heavy snow meets Minor Cold, although the weather is cold, people can also feel the germination of spring. Spend this period of cold days, warm spring will quietly come.



We recorded this moment with our camera for the first snow in 2022. Let's take a look.




Butterfly Lake Photo by Xinhua Li

1月5日早上 航拍蝶湖雪景 李新华/摄影



Butterfly Lake Photo by Xinhua Li

1月5日早上 航拍蝶湖雪景 李新华/摄影



Snowmen piled up in Shuangxiu Park Photo by Ma Jian

双秀公园里堆起的小雪人 马健/摄影



Snowballing citizens in Shuangxiu Park Photo by Ma Jian

双秀公园滚雪球的市民 马健/摄影


The snow dyed the branches silver Photo by Ma Jian

大雪把树枝染成了银白色 马健/摄影



Citizens passing through the snow Photo by Ma Jian

风雪中来往的市民 马健/摄影



Zhengzhou Release


Your beautiful night view has arrived~

嘿,郑州人! 你的美丽夜景已送达

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Zhengzhou University in the winter days


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