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A 5%—20%financial rewards to excellent talents with an annual salary of more than 400,000 yuan

郑州之窗2022-08-16 11:36:13

The Implementation Rules of Economic Contribution Reward for Outstanding Talents in Zhongyuan Science and Technology City issued on the meeting highlights the market return on talent contribution.

All kinds of research and development institutions,entrepreneurship and innovation incubators,enterprises founded by high-level talents,high-tech enterprises,headquarters enterprises,financial institutions,hospitals,universities and other units recognized by Zhongyuan Science and Technology City within the scope of this economic contribution award policy for outstanding talents.

At the same time,for the key support units,the declaration standards would be broaden appropriately.

In addition,Zhongyuan Science and Technology City will also give economic contribution rewards at a rate of 5%-20%to outstanding talents whose annual salary income over 400,000 yuan within the incentive scope.

For the talents flexibly introduced by each unit,the economic contribution will be rewarded according to the salary obtained in Zhongyuan Science and Technology City during the agreement period,while for talents who have enjoyed targeted rewards such as Zhengzhou City and Zhongyuan Science and Technology City,the principle of"chose the high one and no repetition"should be implemented.

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