The Ancestor Worship Ceremony at Yellow Emperor’s Birthplace in Wuxu Year (2018)
The Ancestor Worship Ceremony at Yellow Emperor’s Birthplace in Dingyou Year (2017)
The Ancestor Worship Ceremony at Yellow Emperor’s Birthplace in Bingshen Year (2016)
The Ancestor Worship Ceremony at Yellow Emperor’s Birthplace in Yiwei Year (2015)
The Ancestor Worship Ceremony at Yellow Emperor’s Birthplace in Jiawu Year (2014)
The Ancestor Worship Ceremony at Yellow Emperor’s Birthplace in Guisi Year (2013)
The Ancestor Worship Ceremony at Yellow Emperor’s Birthplace in Renchen Year (2012)
The Ancestor Worship Ceremony at Yellow Emperor’s Birthplace in Xinmao Year (2011)
The Ancestor Worship Ceremony at Yellow Emperor’s Birthplace in Gengyin Year (2010)
The Ancestor Worship Ceremony at Yellow Emperor’s Birthplace in Jichou Year (2009)
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